29 takeaways from ranking the largest online retailers by category

U.S. ecommerce sales grew 7.7% in 2022, but the Top 1000 online retailers only grew 5.1% — a big change from the double-digit growth they have seen in previous years. This month’s analysis consists of looking at the Top 5 leaders in each Top 1000 category and by merchant type, getting a sneak peek of some of the charts in the upcoming 2023 Top 1000 Report.

Overall, there are 15 categories Digital Commerce 360 analyzes. The largest is Apparel & Accessories (247 retailers), and the smallest is Flowers & Gifts (21 retailers). The largest category by total sales is still Mass Merchants, which includes giants such as Amazon, Walmart, and Target. In total, they equate to nearly 92% of the sales in the category mostly due to Amazon, which draws in 72% alone.

Silver, Gold and Platinum Members will see a chart of all the Merchandise Category Leaders ranked in the 2023 Top 1000, based on 2022 web sales. There are 15 total categories, and we listed the Top 5 largest retailers per category for a total of 75 companies. We also included their respective 2023 ecommerce rankings and growth percentage.


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