
E-commerce industry data and analysis on key topics including market leaders, global expansion, fulfillment, personalization and more.

For nearly 20 years Internet Retailer has collected, analyzed and ranked the largest merchants in e-commerce. From that base, we’ve built a body of research that enables us to dig deeply into the e-commerce market in North America and abroad, and to examine different sectors of the market and the critical components necessary to run an online retail business.

In 2018 we published more than two dozen data-rich research reports targeting key topics and market segments, providing expert trend and data analysis for readers. These report topics range from big-picture studies of the Internet Retailer Top 1000 and global e-commerce to more narrowly focused analyses of online marketplaces and personalization strategies.

The seven subjects included in the Best of 2018 Internet Retailer Research report provide readers with an introductory look at our research coverage. Digital Commerce 360 Premium members receive all of these reports and dozens of others with their memberships. Become a gold or platinum member for complete access.

Brought to you by our sponsors: Exchange Solutions, FedEx Corp., FedEx Cross Border


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