Top 1000 data: International visitors represent a small percentage of site traffic

Consumers from outside the U.S. account for 25.7% of collective traffic to Top 1000 sites, and that falls to 23.0% for traffic from outside the U.S. and Canada. But much of that traffic goes to three big Top 1000 players: Amazon (No. 1), Apple (No. 3) and Microsoft (No. 89). Excluding those three companies, traffic from outside the U.S. represents only 14.0% of collective Top 1000 traffic, and from outside the U.S. and Canada, 10.9%. But there are big differences based on what a retailer sells. Traffic from outside the U.S. and Canada accounts for 64.2% of collective visits to Top 1000 consumer electronics retailers, but only 2.0% in the hardware/home improvement category and 4.6% in housewares/home furnishings. Every Top 1000 retailer will want to analyze its own site analytics to determine whether there is enough interest from particular foreign markets to justify the expense of dealing with fulfillment, customs duties, taxes, language barriers and customer service when shipping abroad.

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