A comScore study details what content can make those sites appealing to shoppers.

Consumers who visit branded web sites operated by consumer packaged goods manufacturers spend 37% more on that brand’s products in retail store than do consumers who’ve not visited those sites, according to data released today by comScore Inc. The report also says that consumers who visited those sites completed 47% more transactions involving those brands in retail stores than did non-visitors.

The web measurement firm, which worked on the report with consultancy Accenture and personalization services company Dunnhumby, based the findings on analyzing the behavior of its opt-in panel of 1 million U.S. consumers.

“CPG marketers currently invest millions of dollars in their brand web sites, and the results of this study confirm the importance of this investment,” says comScore vice president Mike Zeman. “But it’s clear that the content and utilities on these sites need to be highly engaging if they are to attract a meaningful numbers of visitors. Marketers who do this successfully stand to gain an attractive return by growing their brands’ sales in retail stores.”

The report gave three characteristics of CPG sites that tend to spark store purchases:

• Brand messaging that persuades consumers to buy the brand.


Content such as user reviews and surveys that updates at least once a week.

• Content such as promotions, live chat and games that can engage site visitors.

Gian Fulgoni, chairman of comScore, will speak at the Internet Retailer Conference & Exhibition 2012 during a session entitled “Identifying the consumers’ sweet spot.

