The stories of digital disruption that interested podcast listeners most this year.

At Digital Commerce 360 and Internet Retailer, we keep our ears to the ground to make sure we’re covering the ways digital is disrupting and transforming industries in ways our readers care about. And you’ve been telling us what topics interest you most by listening to certain episodes of our podcast, Digital Commerce 360 Insights, which we launched in August, more than others.

You can find the complete, 20-episode (and growing) archive, here. Or you can subscribe to Digital Commerce 360 Insights through most major podcast services.

These are the five most-downloaded episodes:

#1 Magento CEO Mark Lavelle’s to-do list

More e-retailers in North America run their sites on Magento’s e-commerce platform than any other. And that fact helped this episode shoot to the top of the heap.


Magento CEO Mark Lavelle

In the podcast, Magento CEO Mark Lavelle shared how the transition to Magento 2.0 has gone for online retailers, Magento’s product pipeline and the long-term opportunities and priorities he sees for online retailers.

#2 How B2B sites stack up


B2B e-commerce is a growing part of the market, and larger in total value than the online shopping that consumers and retailers engage in. But many B2B merchants, such as manufacturers, wholesalers and distributors, are working to catch up on some of the skill sets B2C e-retailers have down pat. This chat-session episode features Lauren Freedman of Astound Commerce and Paul Demery of B2BecNews chewing over the findings of some recent B2B research on usability and design and highlights which B2B companies are doing e-commerce well, and which need some work.

#3 Back-to-school online retail strategies

In the podcast’s inaugural episode, Internet Retailer digital editor Tracy Maple answers questions about the back-to-school shopping season, the second-largest period for online sales (after the winter holidays), including spending projections and the innovative digital marketing and merchandising techniques being deployed by retailers to satisfy shoppers.



#4 Survey says: How online shoppers view online retailers

This quick-hit episode divulges results from a survey Internet Retailer conducted with BizRate Insights of more than 2,800 online shoppers. The survey asked consumers to share their perceptions of some of the largest e-retailers and exactly which shopping apps they have—and use—on their phones. Internet Retailer senior research analyst Fareeha Ali delivered the findings, which also appear in the Charts & Data section on


#5 Who’s winning and losing in online apparel

U.S. consumers spent nearly $360 billion on apparel last year, and nearly 24% of that spending happened online. This very hot segment has drawn a multitude of merchants to sell apparel directly to consumers—more than a quarter of North America’s top e-retailers by sales focus on the apparel category. In this episode, Don Davis, editor and author of Internet Retailer’s 2017 Online Apparel Retail Report, talked about the market forces that are compelling consumers to shift their apparel spending online, which merchants are winning or losing, and how retail chains and brand manufacturers are responding to the digital challenge.


If you’d like to be a guest on the Digital Commerce 360 Insights podcast, or if there’s a topic you think we should cover in 2018, please tell us about it.



