Best Practices in Manufacturing B2B Ecommerce
Data, analysis and best practices from successful manufacturers winning at B2B ecommerce.
Manufacturers that already have a successful ecommerce site say they built their website and designed their ecommerce strategy by following the basic rules of benchmarking the competition, developing clear and concise strategic goals and objectives, thinking through the technology and channel integration details, and tailoring the website to the needs of their customers.
The Best Practices in Manufacturing B2B Ecommerce report is filled with best practice data, analysis and case studies that explain how manufacturers such as Boeing Co., Paper Enterprises, Proto Labs and others are expanding their online sales. It is filled with lessons that can help other manufacturers as they map out their path to ecommerce success.
Key aspects of the report include:
- A detailed overview on how manufacturers such as Boeing, Freund and others designed and sustain successful B2B ecommerce sites.
- Detailed survey results from 142 manufacturers on their business, technology and design priorities for B2B ecommerce.
- In-depth case studies on how manufacturers overcame challenges and developed a successful ROI in areas such as business strategy, customer service, design, marketing and social media, systems integration and technology.