45% of viewers with mobile devices posted socially during the game, a survey says.

A recent study by research firm The Nielsen Co. found that 70% of tablet owners and 68% of smartphone owners use their devices while watching television. A new study of Super Bowl viewers with mobile devices shows many of these smartphone and tablet users were busy being social during the big game.

45% of 181 mobile device-wielding Super Bowl TV viewers shared Super Bowl-related content to their social networks via their smartphones or tablets, according to RadiumOne’s Super Bowl XLVII Co-Viewing Survey. “Co-viewing” refers to the practice of using a mobile device while watching TV. RadiumOne is an advertising technology and services provider.

According to a separate RadiumOne co-viewing survey of 519 mobile device owners, 49% of respondents said that if a television program had an app that encouraged interaction with the audience across different devices, they would enjoy this co-viewing experience.

The Super Bowl XLVII Co-Viewing Survey finds that:

  • 33% of respondents posted to their social networks through their mobile devices about commercials.
  • 20% posted to their social networks using hash-tags from the Super Bowl commercials.
  • 45% of respondents are more likely to research a brand based on a Super Bowl advertisement.
  • 24% watch the Super Bowl primarily for the commercials, and 13% say the halftime show held more interest than the game itself.

“It’s clear that co-viewing is becoming a trend in consumers’ everyday lives,” says Kamal Kaur, vice president of mobile and display at RadiumOne. “When millions gather together on Super Bowl Sunday, large consumer brands benefit from reaching such a wide demographic of consumers, who are likely to engage not only through the television but also with their mobile device, tablet or desktop computer.”
