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Pop quiz: Which online retailers in the Hot 100 are the hottest?

Pop quiz Which online retailers in the Hot 100 are the hottest

Quizzes help consumers take a deep look within.

More retailers are using online quizzes to allow consumers to think introspectively about themselves. Several Hot 100 retailers are using quizzes to help shoppers step up their wardrobes. The Internet Retailer 2018 Hot 100 edition profiles the most innovative online retailers.

A number of retailers included in this year’s edition use quizzes to help shoppers find the products best for them.

Proper Cloth

Custom shirt retailer Proper Cloth uses a 10-question Smart Size guide to outfit its men.

Questions like a customer’s regular shirt size and stomach profile (including options like “pretty fit” and “significant belly”) inform the final fit of a garment. Shoppers also select preferences, such as if they liked to wear shirts tucked in, and provide their typical measurements, such as what their sleeve length is.

Proper Cloth’s software uses the shopper’s answers and its algorithm for sizing. The algorithm factors in tens of thousands customer reviews of shoppers who have already purchased a shirt and give the retailer fit feedback.

All of this data allows Proper Cloth to predict the correct shoulder width within half an inch 78% of the time and correct collar size within half an inch 61% of the time after customers complete the smart-sizing survey, the company says.


Bra sizing can be a bit more complicated than A-B-C-D.

True&Co. is all about making sure a woman finds a bra that fits her. The retailer focuses on comfort and fit with a five-minute quiz for shoppers that generates three bra suggestions based on their answers.

The retailer asks questions about the fit of her current bra and detailed questions about her breasts that shoppers may not have previously considered or in-store stylists aren’t bold enough to ask. For example, “How do your breasts rest in your bra?”

Shoppers must enter their email address to receive the recommendations.

Dia & Co

Online retailer Dia & Co uses a “Stitch Fix” model in which shoppers fill out a questionnaire and then a stylist sends shoppers a selection of garments to try on at home. Shoppers keep what they like and send back the rest without paying for shipping.

The hook is that specializes in plus-sized apparel. Because each retailer’s sizing differs, the stylist’s knowledge is key, as one brand’s extra-large shirt may be another brand’s triple-extra-large shirt. The stylists have worked with thousands of women, so it knows which fabrics, cuts and styles work on different body types. Dia offers unlimited and free size exchanges.

To read more about these companies and other innovative online retailers, download the free issue of Internet Retailer’s 2018 Hot 100.

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