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Key profit indicators point up

Online retailers’ web sales, conversion rate and average order value are all up this year, says a report released today by Forrester Research Inc., a research and consulting firm, and, the e-retailing arm of trade association National Retail Federation.

Here are some of the most important metrics from the survey of 87 retailers:

Retailers have achieved these gains by addressing weak points, such as in-site performance and retaining good customers, say Forrester analysts Sucharita Mulpuru and Ben Zeidler, authors of the report, “The State Of Retailing Online 2010: Key Metrics And Multichannel And Global Strategies.”

They note that 35% of retailers responding to the survey say they have reduced site download times and 21% improved web site availability. 47% say their revenue from repeat shoppers improved in the past year.

They also note that improved recommendation technologies and cross-selling strategies has enabled 27% of retailers to increase the number of units sold per transaction and 47% to increase average order values.

Among the ways e-retailers can improve their results, the authors point to:

This is the second of two parts of the annual State of Online Retailing study by Forrester and The first report, which focused on marketing and social media, was released this summer.

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