Want to know what your conversion rate should be? Tell us anonymously about how your conversion rate varies throughout the year, and we’ll send you the results of our first-of-its-kind study.

Internet Retailer has been tracking online sales figures, conversion rates and other key performance metrics on top web merchants around the world for 13 years.

It is in large part because of input from our loyal readers and subscribers that we are able to provide the industry’s most in-depth and comprehensive data and analysis on the leaders in e-commerce, as well as insights on trends that impact online retailers and the technology companies that support them.

On the research team, we work hard to provide quality information to our audience and to deepen our understanding of what strategies drive the biggest returns. As part of those efforts, we are undertaking a first-of-its-kind study on conversion rates, possibly the single most important performance metric in online retail. We want to better understand how conversion rates may vary by a retailer’s product category, time of year and other ways, so that we can provide better benchmarks for web merchants large and small.

We need your help. Please take two minutes to complete our anonymous survey below. If you choose to share your identity with us, we will send you a copy of our summary findings when they’re complete. Thank you.
